5 Signs You Might Have Adult ADHD & How to Treat it

Over the past decade or so, new research is changing everything we thought we knew about ADHD.  One of the discoveries is that the number of girls who are ADHD is equal or may even be higher than boys. Girls present with symptoms that are different than ADHD symptoms in boys, so it went largely […]

Esketamine vs. Antidepressants: Which Treatment is Right for You?

More than 17 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with a major depressive disorder each year. That number is expected to be much higher because so many people battle depression, but do not seek treatment.  There are a number of reasons why a person would not see a doctor for depression, but failed […]

Mindful Health Solutions is Expanding Its Services With Huddle Therapy

Mindful Health Solutions is excited to welcome Huddle Therapy and its psychotherapy services, as we continue to expand our capabilities for treating patients with mental health concerns. As an outpatient psychiatry group practice, we are not always able to provide as many services as we would like to all the people who need them. If […]

What You May Not Know About ADHD and Its Treatment Options

Over the last decade or two, ADHD (or ADD, the old term that many professionals and patients continue to use) has entered the public vocabulary to the point that a layperson is likely to have a general image of its features. When asked to describe ADHD, most people first picture a child, typically a boy, […]
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