Depression can be painful, confusing, and isolating, making it hard for people to recognize that they may need support. And sadly, it is one of the most common mental health conditions. In the United States alone, 6.7% of the population will experience a depressive episode this year, and 14% will have an episode within their lifetimes. Of those people, over 40% will have a treatment-resistant form of clinical depression, which does not respond to medications.

While symptoms of depression vary from person to person, common symptoms include persistent sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, irritability, restlessness, disinterest, fatigue, difficulty concentrating or remembering, trouble making decisions, sleeping too much or too little, significant changes in appetite or weight, unexplainable and persistent head or body aches or digestive issues, and suicide attempts or thoughts of suicide.

Thankfully, depression is treatable. Many people find relief from making changes to their lifestyle (diet, exercise, meditation, journaling, etc.) while working with a psychotherapist. Sometimes, people may need additional support with medication or alternative treatments such as transcranial magnetic stimulation or esketamine nasal spray.

In our blog posts, we explore issues, treatments, and resources revolving around the sea of depression to help you navigate the murky waters a little more clearly.

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Solutions for Treating and Breaking the Stigma of Depression in Men

Approximately 6 million American men have depression each year, but fewer than half recognize, acknowledge, or seek treatment. Unfortunately, many men feel like they need to be “strong and silent” about their mental illness or society will look down on them, leading them to not find the correct treatment. According to the Movember Foundation, society […]
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