Mental health care does not only involve going to therapy or getting treatments. It also involves incorporating intentional, healthy, and mindful habits and practices into our everyday lives. While these habits and practices could involve meditation or yoga, which is often what comes to mind when people picture “mindfulness”, mindfulness can involve anything that helps ground you and feel at peace. In our blog posts, you can find tips and resources on incorporating mindfulness activities into your daily routine.

Also, we know how isolating and lonely struggling with depression, anxiety, and any other mental health condition, can be. With these blog posts, we sometimes have the hard conversations that are important to talk about. Because even if you can’t or don’t feel comfortable talking about them with friends, family, or a provider, we can still give you insights and actionable steps here.

We hope these blog posts help you manage and navigate your mental health in safe and productive way. If you ever need any additional support, we are always ready to connect and help you find not just relief, but joy. You deserve to feel better.

Interested in getting additional support? Click the “Get Help” button.

Tips for Handling Financial Issues and Taxes While Depressed

Dealing with financial issues and taxes can be difficult for all of us, but they can be especially challenging when you’re experiencing depression. It can be hard to take care of your basic needs when you feel down or hopeless, let alone interact with other people, get or hold a job, or manage your money. […]

Don’t Let SAD Get You Down

Identifying and Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder by Stephanie Dodaro “In the spring of 2003, I was 27 and finally on a cocktail of antidepressants that stabilized my Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). For the first time in years, I felt like being social and maybe getting an application together for grad school,” recalled architect Paul K. […]

Taking Care of Your Heart and Mind on Valentine’s Day

When Valentine’s Day hearts and cupids start going up in store windows, and we begin hearing about peoples’ plans for romantic celebrations, it’s hard not to give at least some consideration to your own relationships or how far you may seem to be from having normal relationships. If you’re suffering from depression, the holiday hoopla can […]

Making New Year’s Resolutions That Actually Stick

by Stephanie Dodaro We have a love-hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions. After the excesses of the holiday season, many of us feel compelled to eat healthier, exercise, and seek out various other ways to improve our lives. The act of making resolutions helps you feel in immediate control of your destiny, giving you confidence […]
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