“Just think positive thoughts.” We’ve all heard the saying at some point, from well-meaning friends or family members when we’re going through tough times. But for those experiencing depression, it often feels like an empty sentiment. Depression is a draining disease, robbing a person of hope and willpower, and even just attempting to “think positive” can seem like too big a task to achieve.
That’s where positive affirmations come in. Through small steps and minor changes in one’s daily life, the seemingly impossible – recovery from depression – can become a reality. In this blog we’ll explore ways to take control of our narrative and how positive affirmations can help combat depression symptoms.
The Benefits of Positive Affirmations
Work through mental health struggles
Improve self-esteem & self-confidence
Combat symptoms of depression and anxiety
Overcome feelings of isolation
Reduce stress levels
Better manage negative situations
Find your motivation again
Taking the First Step
Do you tend to beat yourself up with harsh words? Do hurtful thoughts consume your mind and control your emotions? Depressive symptoms often include negative thoughts that affect not only the way we see ourselves, but the way we talk about ourselves as well.
That’s why recovery from depression starts from within. Changing the way we talk to and about ourselves is a vital first step in overcoming depressive thoughts and inviting peace into our lives. This may seem like an overwhelming first step, but it’s all about starting small and focusing on the now by:
- Celebrating strengths and daily achievements
- Visualizing what “happiness” looks like to you
- Practicing self-care and compassion
- Engaging in activities that bring you joy
- Utilizing positive affirmations
Speak Hope into Existence with Positive Affirmations
Depression often makes us feel powerless, training our brains to expect the worst to happen to happen, and to believe ethe worst in ourselves. Focusing on the good each day gets us started in overcoming symptoms of depression; next we need to speak positive affirmations that remind us to change the way we see ourselves.
If speaking affirmations feels like too much, try just writing them down! Put Post-It notes with positive words around your home or workspaces in places where you’ll regularly see them – the more you read the affirmations, the more likely you are to speak them into existence.
Some positive affirmations may include:
- I am worthy of love.
- Depression is temporary. I will overcome it.
- I am not my depression.
- My past does not – and will not – define me.
- I am letting go of negative thoughts.
- This too shall pass.
- I choose to focus on the positive.
- I am enough.
- Every day is a gift.
- It’s okay to ask for help.
- I deserve to be joyful.
- I am grateful for my life.
- I love myself.
- I can overcome anything.
- I have so much to offer the world.
- I am surrounded by people who love me.
- I am resilient in the face of adversity.
- I am in charge of my happiness.
- I welcome positive change.
- I have faith in myself.
- I release negativity from my life.
- I am grateful for the little things in life, and I focus on the positive aspects of every situation.
- I am capable of achieving my goals.
- I welcome peace and happiness into my life.
- My thoughts are within my control, and I choose positivity.
- The power to create the life I desire is within me.
As You See, It’s More Than Just Thinking Positive
It’s about challenging and reframing long-standing negative thoughts, and replacing them with a new outlook that works through depressive thinking to find positive solutions. For example, rather than thinking in absolutes (“My life will never get better.”), reframing the thought to allow for more middle ground (“I’m going through a tough time, but it will get better.”). Other examples may include:
“I did terrible on that job interview. I’ll never be hired.” à “Some of those questions were pretty tough, but I answered them as best I could and showcased my experience well.”
“I can’t believe I ate so much, I’m so weak.” à “I deserve a treat, and that extra cookie was delicious.”
“Everyone hates me.” à “I’m surrounded by people who love me, and I’m worthy of their love.”
Even if these affirmations sound hollow in the beginning, keep going. The more you read and speak positivity, the more you are reframing negative thoughts and recognizing that symptoms of depression aren’t reality.
Do Positive Affirmations Really Work?
Positive affirmations are a great way to boost one’s self-esteem and overall mood. However, it’s important to note that they should not be seen as a cure for depression, but as a technique for helping to manage symptoms and create a more positive mindset alongside professional treatment.
While affirmations are simple statements, when used consistently they become ingrained into one’s subconscious. And when used alongside traditional treatment, they help a person struggling with depression better identify negative thought processes and manage emotions in triggering environments or situations.
Seeking Professional Help for Depression
Depression can often feel like a life sentence, but it doesn’t have to be! At Mindful Health Solutions, we help you navigate overwhelming emotions and symptoms utilizing traditional therapies along with interventional approaches like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), SPRAVATO (Esketamine), and Ketamine IV Therapy (KIT).
You are not alone. Contact us at (888) 789-6013 or visit our website to schedule a consultation and take that first step toward health and happiness.