Esketamine vs. Antidepressants: Which Treatment is Right for You?

More than 17 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with a major depressive disorder each year. That number is expected to be much higher because so many people battle depression, but do not seek treatment.  There are a number of reasons why a person would not see a doctor for depression, but failed […]

What You May Not Know About ADHD and Its Treatment Options

Over the last decade or two, ADHD (or ADD, the old term that many professionals and patients continue to use) has entered the public vocabulary to the point that a layperson is likely to have a general image of its features. When asked to describe ADHD, most people first picture a child, typically a boy, […]

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month at Mindful Health Solutions

July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to call special focus to the unique challenges and circumstances that racial and ethnic minority groups face when seeking mental health support from peer, community, medical, and institutional sources in the United States. Of course, no person, group, or community is the same; all face distinct […]

Pride Month at Mindful Health Solutions

Pride Month is about more than parades, limited-edition products, and turning corporate logos rainbow for a few weeks. At its core, Pride Month is about celebrating individuality and diversity, recognizing the challenges faced and the resilience fostered among marginalized and minority communities, and building a society that holds space for everyone to be welcome just […]

How Mindful Health Solutions Uses TMS Therapy to Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder

As the seasons change, our bodies help us adapt to our environment by making systemic changes such as gaining a bit of weight to help keep warm during cold months or modifying hormone production to adjust to fewer daylight hours. These small changes are normal and healthy; however, if you find yourself feeling down, depressed, […]

Take some time for yourself this Mental Health Awareness Month

May is mental health awareness month, which seems like a great time for Mindful Health Solutions to remind everyone just how important their mental health really is. When we’re all so busy trying to just keep up with daily demands, the tendency is to stop taking care of our minds. We forget that this is […]

If You’re Dealing With Seasonal Affective Disorder This Winter, TMS Therapy Could Help

Most people are familiar with the signs and symptoms of clinical depression, which can cause persistent negative feelings, fatigue, and other physical problems. But a lesser-known form of the condition is called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which arises or becomes more apparent with the change of the seasons. Although some people experience SAD in the […]
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