Solutions for Treating and Overcoming the Stigma of Depression in Men

Approximately 6 million American men have depression each year, but fewer than half recognize, acknowledge, or seek treatment. Unfortunately, many men feel like they need to be “strong and silent” about their mental illness or society will look down on them, leading them to not find the correct treatment. According to the Movember Foundation, society as a whole […]

Identifying Depression in Men and Fighting the Stigma

Depression is a serious illness that can affect anyone at any age. For many men, there is the added stigma that men with depression are weak or less than other men. This leads to men trying to be “strong and silent” about their mental health challenges and not seek the correct treatment. Approximately 6 million American men have […]

Dr. Rosi’s Thoughts on Identifying and Treating Adolescent Depression

The following is Dr. Rosi’s final blog on Adolescent Depression. As we’ve discussed in the previous blogs, Adolescent Depression is a challenging, and often debilitating, disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to achieve the best results. First and foremost is identification. If your adolescent is undergoing stress and/or emotional changes, […]

Dr. Rosi’s Thoughts on Treating Adolescent Depression with TMS Therapy

The following is Dr. Rosi’s response to the Blog The Importance of Treating Depression from a Sister’s Perspective. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and perspective on your sister’s depression.  Your observations on how Adolescent Depression can affect a person and family are shared by the hundreds of family members I have seen over my years of treating […]

The Importance of Treating Depression from a Sister’s Perspective

The following blog is from a guest blogger that is the sister of a child with Adolescent Depression. Even though it’s my sister that has depression, all of the family is affected. And, while medication and therapy helps, things are never that simple. Since she was diagnosed, my sister has been on and off different […]

Finding the Best Treatment for Your Child with Adolescent Depression

The following blog is from a guest blogger that is the mother of a child with Adolescent Depression. Being a mother is a gift and a challenge. Being the mother of the child with adolescent depression (AD) makes you appreciate the gift of the good times, but enhances the ongoing challenge of providing a supportive, […]

Making New Year’s Resolutions That Actually Stick

by Stephanie Dodaro We have a love-hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions. After the excesses of the holiday season, many of us feel compelled to eat healthier, exercise, and seek out various other ways to improve our lives. The act of making resolutions helps you feel in immediate control of your destiny, giving you confidence […]

Dr. Rosi Gives His Advice on Identifying and Treating Adolescent Depression

Thanks for sharing this story. It is wonderful to hear that your daughter has supportive parents and professionals assisting in her care.  You bring up some very important points that should be highlighted. First and foremost, identifying the symptoms of depression is essential.  It is extremely challenging to separate out what is “normal” developmental behavior versus […]

The Promise of College and the Pitfalls of Depression

by Stephanie Dodaro Every fall, millions of young adults leave home to attend college. While college offers many exciting opportunities for learning and growth, the transition to independence and collegiate life can also feel overwhelming. Common Struggles for New College Students At college, young adults learn to fend for themselves as they navigate an entirely […]
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