Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a serious mental health condition that can significantly impact your daily life, including school, work, relationships, and even simple, everyday tasks. However, OCD is a treatable condition. Keep reading to learn more about OCD, its symptoms, and the treatment options available to help you regain control.
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by persistent, unwanted thoughts, concerns, and fears, known as intrusive thoughts (obsessions), which lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These thoughts often stem from a fear that, while technically possible, is typically improbable. The extent to which a person goes to prevent these feared outcomes can become excessive and unreasonable. The fear and uncertainty surrounding these unwanted but unlikely outcomes can trigger intense distress, disrupting everyday functioning. People with OCD may begin to make life choices based on fear rather than on what they value and care about most.
OCD often begins in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood and is typically a lifelong disorder. The severity of the symptoms and the types of obsessions and compulsions can fluctuate over time. For example, symptoms may worsen during periods of increased stress or significant life changes.
A Vicious Cycle
If you have or suspect you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, you may be familiar with the frustrating and vicious cycle of the condition. It’s important to understand that it’s entirely normal to experience strange, gory, sexual, or other unusual thoughts. Most people might think, “Well, that was odd,” and move on, usually not sharing these thoughts with others. Our brains are “random thought machines,” constantly generating various ideas and associations. These are then sent to our higher cortex to determine if they are useful. We use context, reason, societal norms, and personal values to decide which thoughts are worth keeping and which can be discarded. This filtering process is often automatic and unconscious.
The vicious cycle of OCD begins when we start to prioritize specific intrusive thoughts, treating them as if they require immediate attention. We may prioritize these thoughts even when we know they are irrational because we cannot stop thinking “what if.” In an attempt to rid ourselves of this uncertainty and distress, we engage in repetitive behaviors, whether mental or physical, to reassure ourselves or reduce anxiety. This critical step drives and reinforces OCD in the long term. While these compulsive behaviors may offer temporary relief, they ultimately worsen OCD over time, deepening the cycle.
Themes Surrounding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Ongoing research is exploring potential biological differences in OCD themes and how they might impact treatment. However, experts currently view all forms of OCD as variations of the same condition. The content of the obsessions doesn’t significantly change the disorder itself—OCD is OCD. Nonetheless, it’s valuable to discuss the different themes of OCD because many people, including clinicians, may be unaware of the various manifestations of OCD. This lack of awareness can lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment.
Understanding the different themes of OCD can also help individuals connect with others experiencing similar challenges. Community support plays a crucial role in managing any mental health issue. Knowing which OCD theme you’re dealing with can facilitate finding and connecting with others who share your experiences.
OCD themes are related to the types of intrusive thoughts and compulsions a person might have. For example, one theme could revolve around the fear of a tragedy. An obsessive thought in this theme might involve a fear of causing harm to loved ones, yourself, or others, such as accidentally starting a house fire. This fear could lead to compulsive behaviors, such as repeatedly checking that the stove is off.
These obsessive-compulsive themes often fluctuate or change over time, and many patients experience multiple themes simultaneously.
Common Themes and Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Contamination Fears / Washing Compulsions
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD / appearance-related obsessions & compulsions)
- Social ruin or looking stupid / replaying conversations or checking messages that you sent
- Hyper-Responsibility / Checking (fear of making a mistake or causing a tragedy)
- Illness Anxiety or Hypochondriasis (fear of having/getting illnesses)
- Harm (violent obsessions, hit-and-run OCD, fear of causing harm)
- Sexual Orientation (obsessive & irrational uncertainty related to sexual orientation)
- Pedophilic/Sexual Assault Obsessions (irrational fear of inappropriate sexual thoughts or actions towards kids or other adults that the person finds deeply disturbing and distressing)
- Relationship (obsessive uncertainty around love, one’s partner, and fidelity)
- Religious or Moral Obsessions (Scrupulosity, obsessions about right/wrong, morality)
- Sensorimotor (obsessive awareness of typically unconscious processes, such as blinking, swallowing, breathing, etc.)
- Perfectionism
- “Pure O” – stands for purely obsessive; in actuality, most patients still engage in compulsions, but those compulsions are mental and not easily seen by others
It is important to note that not all themes are listed above, and you may struggle with a theme not represented above. Again, the specific content of OCD can be anything, and the specifics are ultimately irrelevant.
Treatment Options for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
First, it’s crucial to get an OCD diagnosis from a trained professional. After receiving a diagnosis, you can discuss treatment options with your mental health professional. Treatment for OCD may include one or a combination of the following:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Medication Management
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy
These treatments offer unique benefits that can help you overcome OCD and any co-occurring conditions. However, treatment is not one-size-fits-all. Finding the right combination of treatments can take time, and some medication approaches for OCD may take 2-3 months to show full effects. Patience is essential, but if your current plan isn’t working, it’s vital to collaborate with your doctor to adjust your treatment plan.
Reimagine OCD treatment with TMS.
How Mindful Health Solutions Can Help
At Mindful Health Solutions, we are committed to helping you overcome OCD. Our clinicians use the most innovative, effective, non-invasive, and evidence-based therapies available.
We understand the importance of patient-centered care, recognizing that mental health treatment is not one-size-fits-all. Our dynamic menu of treatments includes traditional options like medication management and psychotherapy, as well as cutting-edge alternatives like TMS. The good news is that with the right combination of treatments and a provider who understands your disorder, OCD is a very treatable condition.
Comfort and accessibility in treatment are important to us. If you prefer a virtual appointment or are unable to visit the office in person, we offer telepsychiatry services, allowing you to receive care from anywhere in the state. We also emphasize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our practice, ensuring that our therapists approach each patient with cultural awareness, respect, and humility. Additionally, we accept most major insurances.
If you or a loved one is struggling with OCD, let us help. Call us at (844) 867-8444 and together, we can find a path forward.