Struggling with mental health as a child or teen is extremely difficult and can impact their developing brains for years to come. It is possible for children and teens to be diagnosed with depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, and more. All these conditions can be difficult to handle for adults, let alone children. In order to achieve the best results, it is important that they are diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Child and adolescent psychiatry are mental health care fields tailored to diagnosing and treating mental health conditions in teens and children. We have expert adolescent psychiatric providers that focus on the psychological impacts of what your child is struggling with as well as the important biological and social components of their current stage in life.

A strong support system for your adolescent is crucial during their mental health treatment process. One of the best ways to support them is to educate yourself on what they are going through and how you can help. Our blog posts on child and adolescent psychiatry are filled with helpful information and resources from our expert providers. We hope they help both you and your teen find a way forward to the best version of themselves.

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Battling Depression with the Power of Routine

Living with clinical depression can be especially difficult, as the disorder drains one’s ability to deal with daily tasks. Such a lack of motivation is exactly what makes recovery so difficult. Work, school, and family responsibilities necessitate a certain level of routine for most of us. But depression has a way of making us lose […]

Mindful Health Solutions: Insights Into Depression

Our brains have plasticity—the ability to change physically, functionally, and chemically throughout life. It’s how we can compose music and affect muscle memory in sports. It’s how we can learn new languages, problem solve and train our brains to think in specific ways. But this plasticity, which allows us to be creative and innovative, also […]

Dr. Rosi’s Thoughts on Identifying and Treating Adolescent Depression

The following is Dr. Rosi’s final blog on Adolescent Depression. As we’ve discussed in the previous blogs, Adolescent Depression is a challenging, and often debilitating, disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to achieve the best results. First and foremost is identification. If your adolescent is undergoing stress and/or emotional changes, […]
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